When you consolidate
your student loan, you can reduce your interest rate
by a significant amount.Consolidate your existing student
loans, make one payment each month, keep more cash!
Examples of possible savings*:
Total Loan Amount |
$15,000 |
$25,000 |
$40,000 |
$60,000 |
Current Monthly Payment |
$174 |
$300 |
$475 |
$693 |
Consolidated Monthly Payment |
$135 |
$205 |
$296 |
$394 |
Total Monthly Savings |
$39 |
$95 |
$179 |
$299 |
Ready to get started? Get
A Free Estimate and find out how easy it
really is! * All examples are estimates only. Please
consult with your Loan Counselor to determine what your
actual consolidation savings will be. |